Ukrainian Easter Duo (Freebie PDF) | TopKnot Stitcher Shop – PDF Download
Designer’s Note: This pattern was inspired by Mama TopKnot and her mother, my Bobchi. I picked up a handful of Ukrainian phrases growing up, including the ones charted in this design. Bobchi loved Jesus and taught me to love Jesus and love others. While I never got to celebrate Easter with her in person, I loved wishing her a happy easter over the phone and exclaiming “Христос воскрес!” (Christ has risen!) and “Воістину воскрес!” (Indeed He has risen!). I chose to chart the phonetic spelling of Khrystos Voskres and the English ‘Happy Easter’ in the colors of the Ukrainian flag to celebrate the hope that we have in Jesus, the risen Christ.
While stitching this pattern, I am praying for my Ukrainian family and for everyone impacted by Putin’s tyranny. Fortunately, many of my mom’s cousins and other relatives have been able to evacuate to safety; it is heartbreaking to hear of their losses and the pain of saying goodbye to their homeland. I am releasing this chart as a free design but if you are able, I encourage you to donate to one of the many amazing organizations providing assistance to Ukrainian residents and refugees (@rescueorg is a great place to start, link below for more info). Or, if you would like to give directly to support my Ukrainian relatives, please email me at [email protected] for more information.
Want to learn the pronunciation for yourself? Here is an excellent lesson, including audio clips.
Want to learn how you can help Ukraine? Visit
Stitch Count: 82 x 45 each
Thread: DMC 519, 725, 813, 3822
Suggested Fabric: 36ct Cream & Sugar linen by Fiber on a Whim
My patterns are for personal use only. Copies are not to be distributed or sold to others.