Pendulum Board | Bendy Stitchy
Designer’s Note: Originally designed for Starlight Stitchery’s Divination Box and now available to all, this design features a floss pack from Leann at Forbidden Fiber Co. on 32ct Irish Creme linen from R&R Reproductions.
TopKnot note: I will be selling the Forbidden Fiber Co. floss pack for this design and will add that item once details have been confirmed. You can sign up to be notified when it is “back” in stock and you’ll get an alert when I do list it for sale/pre-order.
Suggested Fabric: 28ct Irish Creme Linen from R&R Reproductions
Stitch Count: 75w x 75h
Flosses: Forbidden Fiber Co: Forever in Blue Jeans, Butter Mint, Melodramatic, Shadow, and Obsidian