Love Letter to the Cross Stitch Nation | Heartstring Samplery
Designer’s Note: Inspired by the wide world of stitchers from every corner of the globe, who come in every shape, size, color, and creed imaginable. Our stitches unite us in love.
Stitch Count: 90 x 77
Threads: Classic Colorworks- Roasted Chestnut, Hazelnut, Gingerbread, Tea and Biscuits, Mariner’s Compass, Chocolate Mousse. DMC Etoile: C318, C725. Weeks Dye Works- Grits, Cherub, Dove, Cocoa, Molasses, Chestnut, Sanguine, Cayenne.
Finishing: Dirty Face Lace and Mini Rick Rack “Rainy” by Lady Dot Creates.
Fabric: Model stitched with one thread over two on 40ct Grandma’s Slip linen by xJuDesign.