On the Oregon Trail | Heartstring Samplery
Stitch Count: 140 by 342
Model stitched on 35 count Linen by Weeks Dye Works using Weeks Dye Works thread – Honeysuckle, Parchment, Galvanized, Graphite, Dove, Tin Roof, Artichoke, Guacamole, Peach, Havana, Mocha, Chestnut, Bark, Red Pear, Raspberry, Deep Sea, Hunter, Bullfrog, Sally’s Sunshine, Curry, Carrot, Sand, Lucky
Designer’s note: The idea for this sampler has been floating around in my brain for quite some time; it is my tribute to Oregon’s 150th year of statehood. Although the characters in my little story are fictional, each aspect of their story is a historically documented event that occurred during this important part of American history. Lydia Winters dearly loved to work with needle & thread. At 11 years of age, she was already an accomplished seamstress. Upon learning that her family would be traveling the Oregon Trail, she immediately knew how she wanted make a record of their travels. She had from infancy admired the carefully preserved band sampler which was stitched years ago by her Great-Grandmother, & had always wanted to make one herself. But sampler stitching was no longer in vogue, so the opportunity had not presented itself to her until now… Now she would stitch bands representative of the visions they would surely see on their way.
In addition to the charted sampler, there is a more complete story of the Winters family, including a sheet dedicated to telling the historical context of each band stitched in the sampler.